In the middle is HD 93129. Down left is Eta Carinae. Near this is the famous Keyhole Nebula.
Photo: ESO Online Digitized Sky Survey
1.Biggest, heaviest, brightest, hottest main sequence star: HD 93129 system
A double star of two extremely huge blue stars. Star A is supposedly the biggest and therefore hottest and most luminous known main sequence star. Its surface temperature is 52 000 kelvin. The star lies in the Carina Nebula near Eta Carinae.
Constellation: Carina
Age: < 2 million years
Distance: circa 7500 light-years
Space between HD 93129 A and B: 8000 AU
Orbit period of HD 93129 A and B: > 50 000 years
HD 93129 A
Spectral class: O3
Visual magnitude: 7.3
Luminosity: circa 3 million * Sun
Mass: 120 * Sun
Diameter: 25 * Sun
HD 93129 B
Spectral class: O3
Visual magnitude: 8.8
Luminosity: circa 1 million * Sun
Mass: 80 * Sun
HD 93129A is one of the most luminous stars in the Milky Way. It is an O-type supergiant located about 10 kilolight-years (3.1 kpc) from Earth in the bright nebula NGC 3372, the same nebula that harbors other super luminous stars, like Eta Carinae.
HD 93129A is actually the brighter member of a binary system that, with its dimmer companion—also an O3 Ia supergiant (HD 93129B)—has an overall mass of 200 solar masses.
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